When We Delight
A Collage Poem
Jennifer Angelina Petro
(Using words and phrases found in the book, The Art Spirit, by Robert Henri, published, 1923, along with my own words and phrases.)
Things overlap as memories
carrying one another
to other revelations
of ourselves.
a triangle is moving towards us—
a passageway into rooms where we see beyond
the usual, where forms reorganize themselves
in infinite simplicity.
There are echoes everywhere
of the song within us—
marvel at it—joyous and clear—
the sense of all contained.
Into these rooms we carry what we know.
But we are not here to do what has already been done.
There are still more pages possible.
Even though our souls ring cracked—
we must tell of our trip around beauty,
we must tell of our wonderful drifting in and out
of the crowds, where dancers appear
perhaps as surprised to see us
as we are of them.
There is value in such revelations—
of being sketch-hunters of the least parts.
There are openings everywhere
when we delight in the constant hatchings.
We are moments of sky.
Nothing exists for itself.