Posted by Jennifer Angelina Petro on Friday, March 13, 2020
Category Archives: Just For Fun
Jenn, the Fairy TransMother Sings More Songs for Kids
Posted by Jennifer Angelina Petro on Sunday, March 15, 2020
Jenn, the Fairy TransMother, Reads More Stories for Kids
Posted by Jennifer Angelina Petro on Sunday, March 15, 2020
Jenn, the Fairy TransMother Talks about Boxes and Reads Stories, Part 1 of 2
Posted by Jennifer Angelina Petro on Monday, March 16, 2020
Jenn, the Fairy TransMother Reads Stories for Kids, Part 2 of 2
Posted by Jennifer Angelina Petro on Monday, March 16, 2020
Jenn, the Fairy TransMother Sings Some Songs for Kids
Posted by Jennifer Angelina Petro on Monday, March 16, 2020
Jenn, the Fairy TransMother Reads Poems for Kids
Posted by Jennifer Angelina Petro on Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Summer Re-Runs: The Spiritual Aspects to the Parts of Speech, Part III, Adjectives
Dear Wonder Child Blog Readers,

The Spiritual Aspects
Of the Parts of Speech,
Part III: Adjectives
Joseph Anthony
Adjectives are the painting words in our language. You could
say, the lion, and that
would technically be a complete sentence, but why not say what the lion is
doing?—The lion roars. Next, imagine what the lion looks like: The golden lion roars. Or,
The wild-eyed, golden-maned lion roars with the roar of creation. The
sentences with the adjectives are more interesting. They give you a
better picture. You could say, the
flower grows, or, the
dew-dappled, red rose grows. See what I mean?
Our handy online etymology dictionary says that the origins for
the word adjective mean to add to or throw
near. What words do you add to the names of things? Do you
throw in swear words? Do you add pet-phrases that somehow describe what
you are saying? Are the describing words you use mostly of a visual
nature? Do you speak in generalities or can you be specific?
Reflect on the nature of adjectives. Really play with
them, for adjectives make the creation alive and interesting—they are the
painters and poets of our language. They are creators and
catalysts. Imagine, for example, what color God is. What color is
His/Her hair? Reflect on the colors of emotions. What color is
pain? What color is joy? Reflect
on the sounds you listen to. Which sounds do you love? Which sounds
are grating? Reflect on the textures of things. Do you prefer soft
clothes or rough? Hold someone’s hand today, a friend, spouse, or a
child, and describe what that is like—both the feel of their hand and the
feeling that act brings to your heart. Reflect on the colors you see in a
given day—or do you see them? Is your life grey and covered in
dust? If so, do a cleaning and get out the paint brushes of adjectives
and color your world with beautiful descriptions. Reflect on the
qualities that describe the Divine. And let’s not forget about the sense
of smell. Reflect on the kinds of smells you love. Describe
them. What does heaven smell like? What does love smell like? Try
to use adjectives in every sentence you say today—try and use all the senses
too. Even if it sounds outrageous and silly—talk like an eccentric
poet. Have fun and play with adjectives.
Copyright Joseph Anthony of the Wonder Child Blog
A Walk on the Lighter Side–Some Playful Jokes, Sayings, Puns, and Riddles
Laughing is inner jogging.—Norman Cousins
Along the journey of following Your Heart’s Desire we all need a good laugh now and then. In the tradition of the Prairie Home Companion’s Annual Joke Night, I hereby declare, Friday, June 3rd, as our day to laugh here at the Wonder Child Blog. Enjoy, and please send in your own funnies. Maybe we’ll do this more than just once a year! And hopefully we laugh here on other days too, of course…But for today…It’s laughing yoga time!
He hits from both sides of the plate. He’s amphibious.—Yogi Berra
I think it’s wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.
–Steven Wright
You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?—Steven Wright
A good pun is its own reword
Déjà Moo: The feeling that you’ve heard this cow before.
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
I get enough exercise just by pushing my luck.
What’s white when it’s dirty?—a blackboard.
What goes, “Oom, oom, oom?”—a cow walking backwards.
What’s the difference between here and there?—the letter t.
What’s the longest word in the dictionary?—Smiles. There’s a mile between the first and last letter.
What do you call an ice cream man in Arizona?—The Good Yuma Man.
Wacky-Business Card:
Mr. Phil T. Hans—Soap Manufacturer
Many years ago, a baker’s assistant called Richard the Pourer, whose job it was to pour the dough mixture in the making of sausage rolls, noted that he was running low on one of the necessary spices. He sent his apprentice to the store to buy more.
Unfortunately, upon arriving at the shop, the young man realized that he had forgotten the name of the ingredient. All he could do was to tell the shopkeeper that it was for Richard the Pourer, for batter for wurst.
A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of his office and asked them to disperse. “But why?” they asked, as they moved away. “Because,” he said, “I can’t stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.”
Some Odd Book Titles and their Odd Authors
Downpour! By Wayne Dwops
Cloning by Ima Dubble
Handel’s Messiah by Ollie Luyah
Avoiding High Construction Costs by Bill Jerome Home
The Pain of Unemployment by Anita Job
The Tiger’s Revenge by Claude Butz
The French Chef by Sue Flay
Tight Situation by Leah Tard
More Groaners
There were two ships. One had red paint, one had blue paint. They collided. At last report, the survivors were marooned.
Question: How did Christopher Columbus finance his trip to America? Answer: With the Discover Card.
Office door of NASA executive: ‘Out to Launch.’
Recently a guy in Paris nearly got away with stealing several paintings from the Louvre. However, after planning the crime, getting in and out past security, he was captured only 2 blocks away when his lorry ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied: I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh.
And One More for the Road
Scientists found a way to clone a bit of Shakespeare’s DNA and recreate The Great Bard. Naturally, ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN were vying with each other to get him on their networks. When they approached Mr. S with their offers, how did he respond? TV or not TV, that is the question.
Copyright Joseph Anthony of the Wonder Child Blog