Love, It Is
Thoughts By the Wonderful People at Rev. Rhetta Morgan’s Tuesday Night Ecclesia Fortify Circle
Arranged by Radiance Angelina Petro
We are not alone.
Love welcomes us, like
the sky—open and free
to all. It gives us unblocked
participation in the organization
of the universe. We are
active principles of the way
of things.
It is what draws us—a holy
magnetism, a shifting of wings,
a sharing of each blossom, just as
trees share everything they are,
we share the breath of the cosmos.
It listens empathically
to our resistance to injustice,
and breaks open the hard, frozen
ground of hate, transforming us
into spring, into the devotion of tears,
transforming us into midwives of mothers
of empathy, and creation, born
with the ferocity to raze and destroy
to protect each golden cocoon
from storms of scorn hurled
our way.
Fight, dig, push, clear
the everywhere shared ground
for the planting of fruits and flowers.
It is the everything welcoming sky,
open and free to all. We are
the breath of the heart, we are the one
who breathes, we are
lover and beloved, ever dancing,
ever praising, we are
not, and never can be, alone
in love’s it is.
For more information on the wonderful work Rev. Rhetta does, check out her website. <3