To Be Who You Are, By Jennifer Angelina Petro

To Be Who You Are


Jennifer Angelina Petro



There are days
When the soul
Doesn’t know
It has a body,
And nights
When the body
Doesn’t know
It has a soul.
Just try
To keep breathing–
Soul in, soul out,
Body open, body safe.
The moments
Of not knowing
Will pass,
And the holy weaving
Will root you in the soil
Of possibility.
No matter what happens
You are creating space
To be who you are,
Body as soul,
Soul as body–
One magnificent blossoming
Of light.






Moment, by Jennifer Angelina Petro



Jennifer Angelina Petro




Some nights, loneliness says:

“Everything fades.

Flowers. Fireflies. Pain.

Thing is to go out in as exquisite symmetry as you can—

Laughter on the one hand, tears on the other, and then—

Let all of your beautiful failures become the wind.”