Sunflower in the Dark
Jennifer Angelina Petro
At night sunflower
bow your head,
so your seeds look
longingly at the ground.
your palms so the moon can fill them
with silver light—its drapery liminal
and gauzy, persuading
water to rise to your roots. It is important.
The night says so. You are
a flower. You are
radiant. You are
still growing.
you still carry the future. Remember
the sky.
Allow me
to hold you,
in the soft shawl of my arms, allow me
to touch your face
with starlight. You are
still capable of leaning
into the wind and staying
strong. You are
holy, so sway,
and sway—
feel that—feel the cool night wind.
And know this: you will
turn your face to the sun again, you will
be drenched in light. You will.
You will.