This Voyaging
Jennifer Angelina Petro
Try as you might you never see your back
Without the aid of a mirror. We go about
Our days not even thinking of our backs
Unless they hurt. Outside of that,
We move forward, slowly,
Quickly, mediumly, always propelled
Ahead by some unseen wind, or force,
Or energy, or, for some, by destiny—but
For those it’s more of a pulling
Than a pushing. At times when we notice
The wind at our backs, we feel the slight
Sensation that if we leaned forwards
Just a little we might be lifted
Through the sky, like a piece of silk,
Only to descend at night on the branch of a tree, like
A sleepy shawl. Go through your day today, sensing
Your back space, give it your attention
As you drift or storm onwards. Know this:
What your back looks like doesn’t matter.
That it’s there, absorbing the current, like
A sail, is what matters. There is no use
For trying to look back at your back—
Knowing it’s there is enough,
Knowing it sweeps you forward is enough,
Knowing it steers you in mysterious ways is enough,
Knowing you have the ability to change course is enough,
Knowing the way opens, like the sea,
And sallies you forth through your life
To where a harbor waits, beckoning you
To come ashore, roam the village bizarre,
Lodge in a tavern’s upper room, gather
Provisions, and then rise, setting sail yet again
Knowing, this journey, this voyaging,
This being guided home is enough.