One Way to Prepare, by Jennifer Angelina Petro

One Way to Prepare


Jennifer Angelina Petro



Exhale: Release and create,

Inhale:  Gather and nourish,

Exhale: Loosen and share,

Inhale:  Draw and replenish,

Exhale: Surrender and sigh,

Inhale:  Unite and receive,

Exhale: Express and give,

Inhale:  Assemble and hold,

Exhale: Relinquish and set free,

Inhale:  Store and treasure,

Exhale: Cast and measure out,

Inhale:  Claim and protect,

Exhale: Bestow and rejoice,

Inhale:  Shore up and fortify,

Exhale: I am awake and ready.





All donations go to medical expenses and groceries.  Thank you for your support. <3


Lover and Beloved: Today, by Jennifer Angelina Petro

Lover and Beloved: Today


Jennifer Angelina Petro


“Lover,” said the Beloved, “Every morning you pray to me saying: ‘I offer you this day.  I surrender to your will, please give me the power to carry that out,’ which is, of course, a lovely prayer.

“Today I want you to try listening.  You see, I am the one offering this day.  It is yours—a gift I freely give to you and to all.  I want to surrender to your will, my Lover.  Tell me what your will is—I want to know and lavish you with whatever it is you want and need.  Of course, I already know what you want, and it is important for you to tell me—for that is what lovers do—they express their desires openly to one another, so that each knows how to please the other best.  And of course, I have the power to carry anything out, and so do you—that is another gift I give to you—freedom to use my power.  It is yours.

“So, Lover—I offer you this day.  I surrender to your will.  I give you the power to do the things you want and need to do.  Speak to me.  Tell me your desires.  This day was made for you.”

