Ray’s Ray Number Six: Dance in the Dark, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 6:
Dance in the Dark
Radiance Angelina Petro




Learn to love the dark.
Why should it need to be feared,
avoided, and something to conquer?
So much of what informs modern, western mediation
and spiritual practice is based on colonization and twisted competitive energy.
There is nothing to push through where darkness is concerned.
Deconstruct the ingrained paradigm that blackness is evil.
Refuse to participate in those racist roots.
Darkness is necessary for babies in the womb,
for seeds in the ground, for sleep, for the love of the moon,
for the inspiration of stars, for the carnival of fireflies,
for the magick of a candle burning, and, perhaps, most of all,
for the gifts of imagination, of dreaming, of meditation.
Dive in the darkness. Dance in the darkness.
This absence of light is holy.
Experience the timelessness, the spaciousness of darkness.
Watch the light come, the colors. And not to dissolve the darkness,
instead participate in the nourishment darkness provides.
Bathe in light if you choose that is gifted by the darkness,
but also try to bathe in the darkness itself. Focus
on the darkness, become one with the darkness. Unlike the light
it doesn’t hurt your eyes. Give thanks for the night, and rest easy, safely
in the refreshing coolness. Light may shine the way,
but not without the darkness that guides the light.





Ray’s Rays Number 5: Tag, You’re It, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 5:
Tag, You’re It
Radiance Angelina Petro




There is no center of all things other than
From your vantage point—you’re it.
There is nowhere you can go
where you are not the center.
There are those who will say: “But that’s self-centered,”
by which they mean ‘egotistical,’
and they are right. Perfectly right.
What they don’t know is that the world needs you
to be egotistical. Reclaim the ego for what it is–
it is YOU. It is not the social construct of something “bad.”
It is your-self–a living sacristy–
every inch of you holy and worthy of space,
and time, and attention. Having an ego—better put BEING an ego
is common to us all. Thing is there are many who believe
the ego is arrogant, self-centered, something to be gotten rid of,
conquered (fuck colonialism), meditated away.
They have the second part right:
the ego is “self-centered.” It is the holy center
of a city that is You. Perhaps you’d prefer a forest rather than a city.
Maybe you want the holy center to be a sun, a moon, the third eye
of a dragonfly. Point is you are the center of all things. The universe
expands and unfolds from you. And not just some place in your mind.
The ego is far more than the mind. It is your totality—your body,
heart, and mind. And each of these are holy and have powers
to create, powers to survey, powers to sing.
Whether you consciously realize it or not:
You’re It. You’re the Big Bang. So make some noise,
even if that means whispering. Whispering can be
as powerful as a roar. You are every galaxy and star within
that galaxy. You are every nebula and planet. Make some noise and delight
in Your-Self. It is no one else, which makes you
the center, which makes you beloved, like everyone is.
So go–create the best kind of anarchy,
and have as much fun as you can.




Ray’s Rays Number Four: You’re Perfect by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number Four:
You’re Perfect
Radiance Angelina Petro




Thing is, you’re it.
You’re perfect.
Do you have things you want to change
about yourself? Cool.
You’re still perfect.
You’re still whole and complete
and enough just as you are.
You may have things about yourself
that you’re “working” on.
Work is for capitalism. Work is shaded
with the patriarchy and the idea
you’re nothing if you don’t produce.
Work has to feel hard or else
it isn’t work, or else it isn’t valid.
It’s not a race. There is no finish line.
You won’t reach your goal
of self development.
You ARE the goal right here, right now.
Sure there will be difficult, challenging days.
Of course sometimes self-unfolding
may seem hard or be hard. Try reframing the work
as play, as an adventure, a dance. A dance with no
destination on the dance floor to get to. Try
reframing it as play. Try reframing it
as one, long, unfurling prayer.
If that doesn’t fit, try making it a game–
an elaborate game of Dungeons and Dragons.
Be whoever you want. Change if you want, if you need,
only remember:
You are perfect right here, right now just
as you are.




Ray’s Rays Number 3: You Are Already Enlightened, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 3:
You Are Already Enlightened
Radiance Angelina Petro




There are no levels.
There is no place to reach. No destination.
Meditation is not a competition.
There is no kindergarten enlightenment
that leads progressively up to a master’s degree in enlightenment.
You have light inside you, therefore you are already enlightened.
The west—the capitalistic west,
is all about conquering, fighting, winning, reaching a goal.
One doesn’t conquer one level of meditation
and then progress to the next.  It is a beloved journey.
There is nothing to fight—not the body, not the mind, not the ego.
It’s all you and it’s all holy and it’s all one big meditation.
It’s all one collective spiritual loveliness.
Meditate just because.
Please don’t feel bad or beat yourself up or stop meditating if it “feels” like
you’re not “getting anywhere.”
Meditate for whatever reason or reasons–
just not to reach a higher level.
Spirituality isn’t like that.
And if you have a teacher who says
they have reached such and such a level,
and tells you that you haven’t—then run.
They are full of shit.

You be you.





Ray’s Rays Number Two: Inhaling the Spirit, By Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number Two

Inhaling the Spirit
Radiance Angelina Petro



Taking is the capitalist, colonizing way.
Instead of “taking a breath,”
when meditating or doing yoga or a relaxation exercise,
try asking for a breath.
Try inhaling with the spirit,
with the gesture of it is shared oxygen.
There is enough for everyone.
There is no need to take your breath insuring you’ve got yours.
It is a shared, common sky.
There is no scarcity of oxygen.
Perhaps try letting the breath take you.
Perhaps try simply saying:
“I breathe in fully, borrowing a breath from the breath of the cosmos.”
Or: If leading a mediation try: “Breathe in.”
There is no need to take anything.
So, breathe. Breathe with gratitude.
Breathe with a spirit of communion and connection.
Breathe knowing you are one with the infinite breath of all things.




Your Way is Valid, Ray Number One, Being a Series of 30 Rays, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Your Way is Valid

Ray Number One
Radiance Angelina Petro




If you’re reading a book on spirituality, religion, meditation, or mindfulness,
and the author says their way is the “only,” way or the “one true way,”
put the book down. Line the birdcage, kindle a fire.
In matters of spirituality there is no such thing as an “only,” way or the “one true way.”
Run from the teacher who says their way is the “one true way.”
There is no room on the broad highway of the spirit
for elitism, exclusivity, or a profound lack of humility.
Everyone is different. Everyone’s journey is different.
No one has the only way, and no one
has the right or the authority to say you’re way is wrong.
Believe in yourself. Your journey is valid.
Your ways of praying, meditating, searching, praising, and longing
are perfect as they are.