This Body is Meant for More, by Jennifer Angelina Petro

This Body is Meant for More


Jennifer Angelina Petro




It is necessary to dance,

In one form or another,

Even for a moment, alone,

Without judgment, or, at very least,

As little judgment as possible.


Dance over to the coffee pot,

Dance to the door, through the room,

To bed.


This body is meant for more

Than very nearly robotic, albeit

Necessary movements.


It is meant to unfold—fluid, grand,

Dramatic, slowly, curling downwards,

Rising upwards—arms outstretched–

Gathering and releasing a sky

Of a million suns.





Two Short Poems

Two Short Poems


Joseph Anthony Petro



We all look for water,
We all want some kind
Of baptism into personal freedom;
May we find it at the river’s edge
Where we take our stand,
And in the tears of joy and sorrow that fall
From our own eyes
When we finally spread our wings
And fly.




Though the clouds try to do
Their cloud work and cocoon you
With silken threads,
I know you are already a silver moth,
Resting on the gently billowing curtains
Of the night sky,
May my heart be a lamp
As your wings grow full.
A lamp not to consume,
But a lamp to draw you near–
A lamp inviting you to dance.

