It’s All Happening Now, By Jennifer Angelina Petro

It’s All Happening Now


Jennifer Angelina Petro



Your awareness

Of your immediate


Moment, and

Your breath

Breathing presence

Into the world–

Is valid. Your pain,

Your falling asleep,

Your heartache,

Your little conversations

About how beautiful

The sunset is,

Your worries,

Your looking for your keys,

Your rising, glowing


With coming—

All of this—

Is valid.


And can you

Imagine–now, this

Moment–somewhere far

Beneath the ocean’s surface–

A whale drifts—

An acorn-barnacled


Light through forests

Of kelp and the bodies

Of a million fish—

Echoing in your very

Own longing—can you



Can you imagine–

Now, this moment–

Somewhere deep

In deep-green leaves—

Leaves as big as faces–

A panther, a shimmering

Piece of the night,

Licking its great paws,

And staring—all the way

From Indonesia—


Into your eyes?


Oh, can you—

Can you imagine?

It’s all happening
