Rose of Charan, By Radiance Angelina Petro

Rose of Charan


Radiance Angelina Petro



The quiet gardener moves among the flowers,

with his camera, like a fragrant, living breeze.

His smile encourages blooming and blossoming.


He meticulously arranges the leaves with all the attention

to detail as a spider spinning its web.

He considers the slant of the light, he notices shadows

and brushes them away with a wave of his hand.


He bends closely—focusing on the rose he wants.

You look up at him, blushing in the face of a greater sun. Then

the shimmering pause—the exquisite anticipation.

Remember this moment



His focus sure, the brightness unblemished, his hands steady,

his keen and tender gaze—parental and fixed.  The shutter opens,

the exposure perfectly timed. He snaps the picture—capturing you forever

in his eyes, in his heart, in his journey to the sea.












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