I Think So, By Jennifer Angelina Petro

I Think So


Jennifer Angelina Petro



It’s possible, isn’t it?

To walk through the dark field,

Brushing your hands over the tops

Of the barley, under the stars

And the patient moon;

To let go, while at the same time

Hold on for dear life,

As thoughts flood,

And fear lifts you

Out of your body

To a safer place

Among the trees;

To hear the owl’s question

And to answer in the affirmative,

Declaring you rightfully exist

Among the fireflies, the crickets,

And the turning world;

To see the falling star

And to wish nothing more

Than for the owl to find food;

To step into the river, without

Succumbing to the cold,

And to reach down, lifting water

Over your head and say:

“This is my beloved child,

With whom I am well pleased.”






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