Today, After Praying, by jennifer angelina petro

Today, After Praying


jennifer angelina petro



Something changed.

A mountain got up

and danced away,

water broke from stone,

darkness fled my mind, like

so many angry crows,

a door opened,

a lost sheep was lifted

onto great shoulders

and carried home,

a way became clear,

a woman, clothed with the sun,

kissed my forehead,

light flooded my room,

windows opened

to bird song and blue sky,

feet were washed,

bread was placed

into tired hands,

answers dawned,

questions fell away, like

so many pieces of armor,

doubts were dispelled, like

melting snow.

Something changed.

In the twinkling of an eye,

In the speaking of his name,

Heaven bowed

And welcomed me home.




This poem is for Mandy.





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