One Word, By Radiance Angelina Petro

One Word


Radiance Angelina Petro



Bring forth what you can.

He considers nothing provincial.

Even with your head bowed

he sees your tears.


Bring the muslin cloth torn

from the thorn bush.

It is his business to sew you

back together.


Every touch of his own forehead

is a beckoning.  All of his words

are one word: “Come.”

Lift your face, he is crying too.







Details of Folly, By Radiance Angelina Petro

Details of Folly


Radiance Angelina Petro



I live in Lost Hope Hollow.

Meditation is encircled by bees.

Everyday is an endless repetition of beginnings.

I repeat the names, and thoughts

dash about, like a thousand minnows.

So many lost motions.

So many twists of the body.

I rattle at every step.

All evidences converge details of folly.


Please, just this once, do everything

for me, so that I may rest awhile.

I promise to never ask again.

I know I must put in the work.

Tomorrow will be the perfect day

for me to start.






The Land of Hidden Things, By Radiance Angelina Petro

The Land of Hidden Things


Radiance Angelina Petro



Is there any way of telling

how great his love?

Distance is a mirage to him.

He follows my roving

and ferrets out light though

I burrow myself into my myself.

He considers nothing impossible.

Invitations to his snuggery

stand no matter where I go.


He carries me—his wings unfolding

as we rise, into the land

of hidden things.

He slants the opposite direction

my mind wants to go.

Every sweep and graceful turn

conveys his conviction

I will one day walk with him

in fields of golden light.







Feather-Touch, By Radiance Angelina Petro



Radiance Angelina Petro



Trapped in seasons of sadness,

I know my longing lacks solvency.

Each new desire rivets the chains

I drag along.  With a feather-touch

he could break them should I only

lift them before him. When that day comes,

the chains will fall, like drapery,

into something approaching a circle at my feet,

and I will not look back, as I step away,

flowing into his arms.






The Merest Swerve of Your Wings, By Radiance Angelina Petro

The Merest Swerve of Your Wings


Radiance Angelina Petro



His love is no ordinary country.

Orbit him as a moth dances to the light.

He responds to the merest swerve of your wings.

Cherish your trip around the beautiful.

He has new ideas for you that he will

reveal in his own, tender time.  Be ready.

You are a harp in his hands, and he wants you

to sing. Take a deep breath—his fingers are poised

just above the strings.






Against All Risk, By Radiance Angelina Petro

Against All Risk


Radiance Angelina Petro



Thinking of light, and the rope that is love,

set forth in such a way—knowing the frame

of your life is not strong enough to last.

Grapple as if you mean business.

Angle inwards into wide open spaces

and unenclosed waters.  Against all risk

move towards a country without coordinates.

Feel the thunder in the air.  Time is passing.

Why even bother trying to reconcile with reasoning

his always wanting your company?

Fall back in the great sigh of resolving yourself

into his hands as he charms his way into your soul.

Follow the lilt of his voice.  The path is long,

the mountains steep.  Accept his desire

is ascensional, and grab the rope.







The Final Bend in the Road, by Radiance Angelina Petro

The Final Bend in the Road


Radiance Angelina Petro



My soul rings cracked.  Here is the marvel:

beyond the narrow cast of reason there are no

outer margins to his mercy, there are no

hidden meanings when he says: “Follow me

and your soul will ring true again.”


He walks the path of embodiment into my heart.

He is just what my heart was fitted for.


Through the drab utility of the day, the many

shifts and slants of my desires leave me unsteady,

the angles of everything I build never meet

flush and even, my thoughts are a series of endless loops,

the definitions of my life vague and vary as directionless

wind—no matter how far I go, I have barely

gotten underway, I walk only with half-steps,

and low, sweeping branches cast a thousand shadows,

and yet—still, I move.


He is the proof of his own wish

inviting me to come and taste things unseen.

He establishes his grace as the center of gravity.

The city of his love is invincible.

“Love is not learned alone,” he says, taking my hand

in his, as we meet the final bend in the road.







He Finds You, By Radiance Angelina Petro

He Finds You


Radiance Angelina Petro



He finds you, just as morning finds you,

just as the sky finds the fledgling’s wings.

He finds you as every wave finds the shore

and washes every shell, and collects them

in the infinite folds of his memory, and returns them

to the sea where they belong.


Try not to sleep against the day.  The living awakening

finds you with the light he carries in his pockets.

Do as he says. The unavoidable storm of his longing for you

will shake the foundations of your life.

And when all is said and done, you will bask in the eternity

of the sweetness of being found.






Rose of Charan, By Radiance Angelina Petro

Rose of Charan


Radiance Angelina Petro



The quiet gardener moves among the flowers,

with his camera, like a fragrant, living breeze.

His smile encourages blooming and blossoming.


He meticulously arranges the leaves with all the attention

to detail as a spider spinning its web.

He considers the slant of the light, he notices shadows

and brushes them away with a wave of his hand.


He bends closely—focusing on the rose he wants.

You look up at him, blushing in the face of a greater sun. Then

the shimmering pause—the exquisite anticipation.

Remember this moment



His focus sure, the brightness unblemished, his hands steady,

his keen and tender gaze—parental and fixed.  The shutter opens,

the exposure perfectly timed. He snaps the picture—capturing you forever

in his eyes, in his heart, in his journey to the sea.












Today, By Radiance Angelina Petro



Radiance Angelina Petro



There’s a way of getting the pillow just right

behind my head, and my socks cannot be falling

down to my ankles if I am to sleep.


Is it true a song hums just behind/within everything we see?

I bend to listen to a gardenia, and laugh.


As I drive, repeating five holy words, the rain pulls my car

ahead, along the road.


Somewhere, someone gets up from the back row

of a church, and walks for miles, lost, towards home.


I know everything matters in such a way as to not.

The song keeps flowing.  The words–audible light.

And the rain lifts its silver curtains, and the moon appears

making the wet road shine.


Someday, I will awaken, and step in from the crowd,

and follow your voice to where my prayer shawl waits,

draped over the living room chair.


Until then, I will adjust the pillow, pull up my socks,

and drift to sleep.