Ray’s Rays Number 11: You’re Fucking Perfect, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 11

You’re Fucking Perfect


Radiance Angelina Petro





You are complete as you are.

There is no “other half,” that you need

to make you whole. You ARE whole.

You might long for a romantic relationship–

a “soul mate,” or you may be seeking

a deep platonic relationship. You might be aching

for more than one partner. You might be looking

for a sexual relationship and nothing more.

All of these are totally valid, of course.

I encourage you to remember-whether you feel it

or not—that you are whole and complete as you are

right here and right now. Of course,

having an experience of feeling like your partner(s)

complete you in some way, shape, or form,

is also valid. My main idea here is to, in case you’ve forgotten,

remind you that you are wonderful as you are.

Being alone may suck for you, and that too, is valid.

It sucks for a lot of people. Seek for the relationship(s)

you want/need, and, at the same time, be in relationship

with yourself. Cultivate love for yourself. Make time

for yourself. Pleasure yourself. Talk with yourself.

Please note: I am in no way suggesting you have to

love yourself first,” before you can love someone else.

That is one of the biggest and most cruel crocks of shit I’ve ever heard.

We learn to love in community—with each other—with another.

We also learn about love as we practice loving ourselves—that’s true,

but remember—some of the pithy, conversation-ending phrases

like the “love yourself first,” are hazardous and meant to shame.

Cultivate your heart. Practice what it feels like to feel complete.

What does that mean to you? What is that experience like?

Whatever your answers, please know you are, in the words of Pink:

Fucking perfect,” even if that means there are things you want

to change about yourself, or “work,” on. Just as clay is always perfect

as it is even before it’s sculpted into something, and even as it is

being sculpted, so to are you as you continue to unfold

as the child of light, or the child of darkness that you are.

And by “darkness,” I don’t mean evil or bad. Some people

prefer darkness over light, and that is completely valid. Ask the bats

or owls, or the moon, or stars, or a fetus in a womb, the candle–

to them darkness is where it’s at. But I digress.





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