Fragments by Radiance Angelina Petro



Radiance Angelina Petro




I go around

With my jaws clenched.

I notice it now ever since

My right jaw has begun to lock

In rebellion while eating.

At night, my teeth work,

Grinding away at whoever it was

I was never meant to be.





Once I saw the skull of a cat

Hanging on a string draped over a gravestone.

It was left there by some Satanists my friend Kris said—

Not the kind of Satanists today that hang around schools

And share vaguely humanistic guidelines for living—

But the kind that, in the early 80’s, met up in graveyards,

Sacrificed cats, and tried to dismantle themselves

From themselves by way of blood and sex.

I am not making this up.  I have met people

Who live this way.

And if they ever come anywhere near my cat

I will pound wooden crosses

Into their chests.






Whatever it is inside

That says to me, day in, day out:

“Go.  There is nothing here.”

Quieted yesterday.  I am only now

Noticing it, because today

I woke to it screaming in my ear.






Inside the bone,

Living marrow streams,

Holding it all together,

In much the same way

A traveling current of glue

Keeps me from leaping off the world.






Sense of purpose:  Darkness.

Seeing the way ahead:  Gone.

So many things to do: Exhausted.

The few, illusive moments of hope: Untetherable.





Please help support my continuing transition.  Thank you. Radiance <3


3 thoughts on “Fragments by Radiance Angelina Petro

  1. I would follow your lead with the wooden stake. But the rest of these scare the bejesus out of me! Are you OK? Sending warm presence and love to surround you today.

    • Thank you Fane. No. I am not OK. You can find my new facebook page at Radiance Moo-Cow Petro. I stopped my last page with the hopes it would help me find a job better. No luck yet. If you don’t want to friend request me, I understand. Yours, Radiance (Jennifer) I hope all is well with you. <3

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