Ray’s Rays, Number 19: The Ego Isn’t the Enemy, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays, Number 19

The Ego Isn’t the Enemy


Radiance Angelina Petro





I don’t really know much. Sometimes

I don’t know my ass from a hole in the ground.

It’s a good thing I’m ace or that could be problematic.

I’m over half a century old, and I know a few things–

or, at very least, have experienced a thing or two,

but have I truly learned from those experiences?

That’s questionable in many instances as evidenced

by my making the same mistakes over and over.

So, at the end of the day, I don’t really know shit.

I do know one thing though—talk nice to yourself.

Unlike what I just did above, honor your experience

and what you’ve learned. I am over half century old

and I still struggle with deep self-hatred.

Start now. Right here—where ever you are–

say something nice to yourself about yourself.

Try it. If you don’t believe what you’re saying

say it anyway. “Act as if,” they say. “Take the actions,

and the feelings will follow,” they also say.

Start practicing now. I wish I could have started years ago,

but I didn’t. And there’s no finish line. I will keep striving

to love myself and like myself and honor myself and praise myself–

and if anyone says loving yourself is ego-shit—tell them

to fuck off. The ego isn’t an enemy. Be proud as fuck

for who you are, how far you’ve come. You’re fucking amazing.





Ray’s Rays, Number 18: Everyday Anarchy, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays

Number 18

Everyday Anarchy


Radiance Angelina Petro






There are many forms of anarchy, and many ways

to be an anarchist. While the origins of the word

date back to around 400 BC, and mean, “Without

leader, or ruler-less,” it can be difficult in today’s

capitalist-terror regime to be “without a ruler.”

Most have to work, and many under oppressive conditions

where the amount of money made is barely enough

to live on, and very often it isn’t enough for that.

Many are forced to work abusive hours with hardly

a moment to breathe. Many people are “ruled,”

by asinine government policies, lack of medical insurance,

the barbaric costs of health care, the hassles to get on

food stamps, social security, and housing programs.

How can one rebel against such terrible, oppressive, racist,

classist, and cruel systems? How can one be an anarchist

in today’s world? It’s difficult and risky for most of us

to live outside the system–to fight against it. So what can we do?

Sometimes we need to turn to small, but mighty ways

to be an anarchist. Subversive ways. Sometimes

not even noticeable ways. But there are ways—everyday ways

to be an anarchist. For example, you can be an anarchist in your relationships–

and practice non-hierarchical ways to partner. You can

embrace sexual pleasure as a form of anarchy. You can

practice mutual aid and find ways to thwart capitalist-terror

and trade or exchange services and things with others in the community.

You can challenge gender roles, gender expressions,

and the cis-hetero normative trappings in society.

You can utilize local libraries as another way to bypass capitalism.

Perhaps you have the means to financially support mutual aid organizations

and other such community causes. You can volunteer to work

in community gardens, harm-reduction efforts, queer

community centers, and homeless shelters.

Some of these may not seem like anarchist activities,

but they are—they all challenge oppressive systems of government.

And there are many other ways to do so–inventive, unique, subversive ways.

So, go ahead, break some rules, get people upset,

and help change the world.





Ray’s Rays Number 17: Fuck the Upgrade, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 17

Fuck the Upgrade


Radiance Angelina Petro





Q-Anon, whacked UFO cults, and many fringe “New-Agers,”

often talk about waiting for the cosmic DNA upload,

the divine upgrade that will give them superpowers.

They speak of having a new, alien-given matrix

downloaded into our consciousness.

One of the thing that troubles me about con-spiritualists

is their comparing the human brain to a computer.

Of course, this is by far not the worst thing they do.

Along with their strange bedfellows—the extreme right

terrorists of the evangelical variety—they’re causing

more death, violence, hatred, transphobia, racism, Islamophobia,

an antisemitism at one time than this country has ever seen.

Addressing their language though is important—the terms they use.

By comparing people to machines, especially computers,

they further dehumanize others and put themselves above others.

Their believe their upgrades and downloads and uploads make them better

than the sheeples. They make them more cosmically aware

and give them advanced states of consciousness

that fuels their white supremacy. These terms are now

a part of our everyday vocabulary, and it is degrading.

Resist this type of computerization of the human being.

Change the analogies, comparisons, and metaphors

to ones of nature. We must get ourselves out of the machine-

consciousness and back to earth. It’s about descending

not ascending. Instead of getting alien downloads,

let’s cultivate the gardens of our hearts, let’s weed out

self-hate, and plant self-love. Let’s plant seeds of compassion

and community. Let’s water the gardens of our communities

with love and the sweat of our activism. We are not machines.

We are not spirits in the machine. We are people.

The more we resist the computerization of our language

the more empowered we’ll be. Using computer comparisons

disregards the horrors of colonization—it forgets the US is occupied

territory. It is designed to divert our attention from the earth,

the marginalized, and the real issues at hand. Resist it.

Stay human and humane.





Ray’s Rays Number 16: The Glory of Descending, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 16:

The Glory of Descending


Radiance Angelina Petro





In plenty of new age cults and con-spiritual groups,

such as Q-Anon, there are references to Ascension.

It is believed and preached that only a select few–

the “woke,” ones, the ones “in the know,” the ones

who have been enlightened and have special DNA downloads

from aliens and beings from other dimensions.

In capitalist, and hyper competitive societies–

like the US, the goal is to climb higher and higher

in terms of social status, the amount of money you “make,”

and how above you are over the poor, unfortunate souls

who don’t want to rise above their lowly circumstances

or else their manifesting of prosperity would have worked.

Indeed, there must be something wrong with them or

maybe they’re not believing hard enough. This, of course,

is classist and racist bullshit. It’s thought-terminating.

Those who seek to ascend to higher and higher levels

of status, consciousness, or cosmic awareness,

too often are afraid to get their hands dirty. “Leave that

to the ones who can’t make it because they have faulty will-power,”

they say. But the key, if there is one, isn’t in the ascension. Sure,

the world can be, and often is, a shitty place to live and thus

the impulse to ascend to higher planes of consciousness

so that you can conquer the ravages of modern living–

which is, of course, not the worst idea. But back to the key.

To me, the key is in descension. A wondrous

diving down to earth, the “incarnation,” of ourselves

as earth-dwellers. Hopefully this descension leads to

a deeper care of the earth and of each other. The ground of being

is where it’s at. It all happens on the ground, on the earth–

on the farms, the wildernesses, the parks, the bodies

of water, our bodies. Try descending from your striving for ascension.

Turn your face towards the earth, and make a gesture of respect,

love, and gratitude to this endangered planet. Dig a little.

Search the gardens of your heart. Explore the roots of your ancestors.

Dive deep into the dark shadows of the soil of your life.

Ascend if you want, or need, but perhaps try descending as well.

There are many gifts among the earthy ones—the horizontal communities

and not the hierarchical ones. Try not to be afraid to have your feet on the ground–

on the earth—right here, and right now.





Ray’s Rays Number 15: Judging and Condemning, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 15

Judging and Condemning


Radiance Angelina Petro





Go ahead and judge.

Watching others and learning from what they do

and/or don’t do is good information. It’s also

a judgment. Judging for yourself whether or not

to do, or not do, something based on an observation

of someone else is a healthy thing.

The trick is not to condemn–

unless they’re nazis, fascists, racist police, or TERFS.

Those we can safely judge as total and complete shitheads

and it’s more than OK to condemn the fuckers.

But in general, we have no right to condemn others.

That’s not healthy socially, mentally, spiritually, or, at times, physically.

People conflate judging and condemning, but they’re not

the same thing. One is helpful and we can learn from it,

the other isn’t (unless it’s the afore mentioned shitheads).

Judging someone you admire and respect–that you want

to emulate, and learn from in positive ways—that’s completely valid.

Judging someone from a place of toxic superiority doesn’t

go well. Is the way someone is acting, or what they’re saying,

positive and healthy, or hurtful and destructive? If you think about it

those are judgments. And they’re completely valid.

Conversation stoppers like the phrase: “Don’t judge,”

aren’t helpful when having an important discussion. They demonstrate

an unwillingness to engage, for whatever reason. They’re not

fair (which is a judgment), and neither are they helpful

(another judgment). They can also be used to defend toxic,

racist, shitty behaviors (that too is a judgment).

So, judge others, judge yourself, and do both with compassion,

empathy, and a humble desire to learn. Try not to

condemn. That goes nowhere and also stops

important dialogues that sometimes need to happen.

Keep your judgments to yourself, unless

you’re calling out transphobia, Islamophobia, and all

other forms of hate. Then shout, or perhaps whisper

like an angry, menacing vampire.




Ray’s Rays Number 14: Get Dirty as Fuck, By Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 14

Get Dirty as Fuck


Radiance Angelina Petro





I live in a state where Springtime is pretty damn amazing.

All my trips around the sun thus far haven’t diminished

the wonder I feel/sense/know whenever I witness

Spring’s magic. All that tiresome stuff written

about how Springtime is a time of new beginnings,

awakenings, rebirths, and all manner of blossoming–

is true. Sure, the seasons change. It doesn’t stay

Springtime all year (at least not in Pennsylvania),

yet that doesn’t mean one can’t revel in the beauty

of seeds muscling their way through dark soil and bones

and rocks, to open their palms to the everywhere sky,

of the sound of Spring Peepers, of bees shaking off their sleep

and lifting into the breeze, of trees budding leaves

and birds suddenly appearing—seemingly out of nowhere,

and the frozen creeks coming alive again, and the flowers–

the wondrous, magical flowers. And the mud! The glorious,

mud—the delightful mud! If, in this moment—the one

in which you’re reading this right now—you’re having a spell

of not liking yourself in anyway—perhaps try and imagine

you are a breath of the cosmos, and that you are a becoming

that is the very heart of Spring. Imagine you can start again

and again, and that the open, everywhere sky is there for/with you.

Perhaps go outside and play in the mud—get dirty as fuck.

Perhaps breathe in the beauty of a flower with your whole body.

Perhaps, even for a moment, remember you are sacred–

sacred as the night, as the moon, as the spirits in the dark,

as the sun, and the ground, and the stars. Feel ugly if you do,

but you and I both know, the truth beneath that feeling

is that it’s a lie. The real truth is that you are a divine breath of the universe.

You are the ever-Spring of hope and beauty. You are worthy, enough,

and beautiful as fuck. That’s the eternal truth.

Ask the flower, it will whisper back the truth.

Splash in the mud, and it will cheer it back to you.






Ray’s Rays Number 13: To Thine Own Self Be True, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 13

To Thine Own Self Be True


Radiance Angelina Petro





Begin where you are. Or stay where you are.

Both are valid. Each has their own wisdom.

Sometimes it’s healthy to push past our comfort zones.

Other times it’s completely fine to stay comfortable.

The only people who say otherwise are those so steeped

in old capitalist ideas that they know nothing except

working themselves to the bone. Being comfortable

isn’t a sign of weakness. Neither is staying in bed all day

if that’s what you need. Is it valid to “force” yourself

to get up and going and doing? Of course it is.

Learning when to rest and when to rise can be, as they are for me,

lifelong lessons. And there’s no right or wrong.

It’s helpful to remember though that we can’t start

at the finish line, and also, that there isn’t a finish line,

and most important of all—life isn’t a race. Fuck anyone

who says you need to be pushing and achieving

and achieving and producing to be of value in this world.

Live your dreams on your terms in your time.

Be gentle with yourself. Be fierce with yourself. Main thing:

BE yourself. You are worthy and powerful as you are.

You’ve made it through so much already, and there still is often so much

going against you. Yet you’re strong. You’re alive. There’s blood

on the brain—your mind thinks with passion, your mind thinks

with the heart. You are learning. You are evolving, blossoming,

growing. Have as much fun as you possibly can.

Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly,” so says

GK. Chesterton. Laugh at the absurdity of it all if you can,

and stand proud (or lie on the couch proudly). You are a becoming,

and ever-changing, unfurling universe.

Go ahead, to thine own self be true.





Ray’s Rays Number 12: On Coming Out, By Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 12

On Coming Out


Radiance Angelina Petro





The thing about caterpillars is

they make their own shrouds.

They form into a chrysalis and then

dissolve. Slowly, they reconstitute themselves,

until they are ready to reemerge a winged-being.

Making the analogy between butterflies blooming

from cocoons and queer people coming out,

can be instructive. Remember though, the caterpillar state

is perfectly legit, as is the chrysalis phase.

Unlike the caterpillar though, that has a predestined time

when it must open to the sky, people coming out do not.

When National Coming Out Day rolls around, please

do not pressure anyone to come out. Please don’t

pressure yourself to come out. Some queers choose,

and, indeed, need to stay in the closet chrysalis,

and they are no less valid or queer. If someone

is too afraid to come out for whatever the reason

support them. There is no finish line, and no right

or wrong way to come out. You do you. Seek support

if you need/want it. Stay in the closet as long as you want

and/or need. No one can tell you you’re not doing it right,

no one can tell you you’re not being a good activist.

You—and only you—know best, and a good, gender-affirming therapist

can be a huge help in sorting it all out. There needn’t be any

shame in seeking and/or needing/wanting support.

Before leaving this entry, there are couple things to know:

Chrysalis,” comes from the Greek, and means, “golden.”

The word, “Psyche,” also comes from the Greek, and means,

among other things—the soul, breath, spirit. The Greeks

personified Psyche as the Goddess, Eros, who was represented

sometimes as a butterfly. The word, “analysis,” likewise

comes from the Greek, and means, to set free. If you need a therapist

to help you analyze your unique set of circumstances

with regard to coming out, please know, getting help is holy.

Sorting things out with a gender-affirming therapist may help

free the butterfly, the soul, from the golden protective sphere in a safe way. And that

is called, wisdom. Once the butterfly hatches, it is vulnerable

as its wings form and the colors swirl and settle into place.

This is all holy and sacred. Please be gentle and patient with yourself

during this process, and, just as importantly, be gentle and patient

with each other. Learning to fly into an infinite sky

can be terrifying. It’s also full of magick and wonder—and dangers.

So, please come out only at your own time

you dear, wonderful, perfect butterfly.





Ray’s Rays Number 9: Unpack for the Journey, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 9:

Unpack for the Journey


Radiance Angelina Petro




Sometimes, when we’re going through

a tough, confusing experience

we say, “we have a lot to unpack,” about that experience.

What we usually mean is that there’s a lot of work to do

around sorting our emotions, thoughts, and questions–

we want to make sense of something.

Throughout our lives, when do we literally unpack?

Sometimes it’s when we arrive at a vacation

or when we move into a new place.

Either of those is a beginning, another stop on the journey.

Perhaps it means a new adventure is about to begin.

Perhaps it means a difficult chapter of our lives has ended

and another, hopefully, brighter one is opening.

But perhaps we need to unpack in order to start,

and sometimes unpacking can be tedious. It might also be fun.

On a vacation we unpack our clothes, toothbrush, a book (or books) we brought,

we unpack our meds, our reading light.

When move, it means unpacking spoons and forks,

plates and cups, books, clothes, the blender, the coffee maker,

bedding, and perhaps, even, our sex toys.

Point is—when we’re unpacking from a move or arriving

on vacation—something new is happening. And it might be

scary. It might be thrumming with delightful expectations.

Whatever it is—we’ve arrived someplace new.

Perhaps try unpacking your emotions and thoughts

about the difficult, painful things in your life

as if it’s a new beginning, a new adventure. Love

what you find in the process. Toss out what you don’t need or want.

Cherish things you discover. Make use of what you lift

from the boxes and suitcases. And yeah, it may totally fucking suck.

It might be exhausting. And also, it is in your control how and when

and why you unpack. Remember you can always pack things away again,

and that is totally legit. Perhaps you’re going to save

the unpacking until another day, or after a nice, long nap.

You do you, there is no right or wrong.

Your life is wherever you’ve arrived either by conscious steps

or by being forced into a situation because you came out as trans

and your family is being assholes, or the economics

and ravages of late-stage capitalism have dictated the move.

Whatever the reason, perhaps try and be where you are–

in charge of the unpacking process. And also, please remember

you can ask for help and support. Who knows what curiosities

you might have forget about but find at the bottom of the box?

Who knows what memories may show themselves. Lift them

as if they are holy, and arrange them as best you can in your new space.

Make it all your holy place, and you, the lighter of candles,

and officiant of the new rituals that unfold into your life.






Ray’s Rays Number 8: You Are Enough, by Radiance Angelina Petro

Ray’s Rays Number 8

You Are Enough


Radiance Angelina Petro





Without you the world is incomplete.

This isn’t said to guilt you.

It is said to simply let you know

you are here and deserve to be here.

You deserve to take up space,

to breathe, to laugh, to seek your own way.

As the saying goes: You are enough.

But enough for what?

Does it need an explanation?

Of course not. And it’s also important

to think/feel through this idea of being enough.

What are you enough for? You are enough

for whatever it is you want/need to do.

You are enough so much that you know

sometimes you need the help of others.

You are enough as you are without the need to follow

social constructs of appearance, gender, sexual

orientation, gender roles, and the harms

of capitalism. You are enough no matter what.

You are enough to rejoice, to sing, to create, to dance,

to march, to stay home and read or watch TV.

You are enough to rest, to love yourself

with all the compassion as you do your closest friends.

Sometimes following our dreams is difficult, if not impossible

in today’s late-stage-terrorist capitalism, racism, marginalization.

And that’s what holy anarchy is for.

Forge your own way as best you can. Join a community

of like-minded, like-hearted, like-spirited people.

Pray and meditate if you choose, engage in pagan rituals,

cast all the binding spells you need. You are enough

to know you won’t stop fighting for justice.

You are enough to experience joy, happiness, contentment.

You are enough to take breaks and retreat into yourself.

You are enough to realize the importance of comfort zones

and why sometimes pushing past them is unhealthy.

You are enough period. So please, stay. Seek help

if urges of self-harm and/or suicide take up space in your head.

You are worthy. You are beloved. Your story is important

in the constellations of the universe. Take one more step.

It may or may not turn out OK. What is certain though

is you are loved and enough whether your brain believes it or not.